The framer of a code of good practice can control unfair market practices if such proceedings are complementary to judicial or administrative proceedings see Article / of the Directive. Unfair Market Practices - Contradictory to this Code. Provide art. Articles 1 and 2 of the Anti-Unfair Conduct Law respectively provide: Unfair market conduct refers to the application of a code of good conduct, but its provisions are in conflict with the law. The framers of the Code of Good Practice committed unfair market conduct and its provisions breached the law.
There is no doubt that the statute cited sanctions both the application of codes of good practice contrary to legal provisions and the conduct of the creators of such codes. In turn, unfair market practices are established on the basis that the provisions of a code of good conduct are not in compliance with philippines photo editor applicable law, and both the entrepreneur who applies the code and its framer are liable. The above position was confirmed in March.
Believes that the content of the provisions of the August bill on combating unfair market practices clearly demonstrates the intention of the national legislator to include the framers of good practice codes within the scope of application of the bill. Determination of artistic inconsistency. Article 1 of this Act. The partial sentence of the directive/therefore does not prevent the application of this provision to assess the conduct of entrepreneurs in relation to the general provisions of the Unfair Market Practices Act.