Furthermore, if you have been satisfied our organization, it is possible that we will end up retaining you and repeat the purchase. On the other hand, Customer Lifecycle Value (CLV) is the contribution to net profits that a customer makes to your company over time. Thanks to this, we can divide our clients into three main categories: unprofitable, profitable and very profitable.
A higher CLV means each customer generates more Phone Number List revenue for your business without having to invest anything extra, which also means your business has more money to spend on acquiring new customers. Up selling or cross selling is one of the most effective ways to convert buyers into highly profitable customers and keep them coming back.
Best Cross selling and Up selling techniques Incentivize upselling by rewarding your customers for spending more money on your website (for example, offer free shipping or a discount on future purchases). Make sure the product you are trying to sell is within a reasonable price range . Customers will rarely pay more than 25% of what they intended to spend.