People don’t update their job experiences correctly Keyword search looks into the whole profile Lucky for you, Evaboot is capable of detecting these “false positives” . People don’t update their job experiences When you use boolean search in the “Job Title” field, Linkedin will into all the profiles that declared their experience as current. You can see it with tag “Present” on the job experiences. double current experience linkedin.
However many people forgot to “close” their previous experience when seo expate bd they open a new one. It means that many past experiences are still considered as current by Linkedin. This problem create a lot of false positive in your search. You might end up with HRs in a search that targeted Head of Sales for example. . Keyword Search looks into the whole profile Second tricky thing about boolean search is that the keyword search looks into the whole profile.
There are some relevant fields like: Headline Summary Current job description But it also make you search in irrelevant field like: School description Recommendations Past job description By using boolean search in the keywork search filter; you might end up with a lot of false positives as well. linkedin keyword search problem Here is an example of a search in which I look for the keyword “Marketing” and ended up having someone working in law.