In order not to fall into the vicious circle of adherents of one approach to be open and not to focus on a specific method you just need to take up the framework on which the first assigned project will be. So the programmer will be able to master the tool in the process of work concentrating on its most necessary aspects. React JS React JS is not a framework at all but an open source library.
It is ideal for simple projects one of the goals of which is to quickly pay off. Large branched websites are easier to build on Angular. To the question: "React is better than Vue " they answer in different ways. For example the first bests the second at the issue of ecosystem mobile app development service richness and delights followers with a large number of available custom rendering tools. But the main advantage of the reaction is still an active and developed community.
With the help of a "living" community you can: quickly or relatively quickly find a solution to a complex or atypical task use tons of training materials in any form video text tables graphics; in a short time to learn about new solutions and opportunities; find a mentor and pump faster thanks to his advice; use ready made developments just modifying them.