That is, it may turn out that you simply overpay for the package. Geolocation targeting. Maybe you simply don't need links from other regions. Returning to the beginning of the price block, it should be noted that by building long-term relations with the mass media, the Internet marketing agency can expect to receive certain preferences.
In our case it is: freezing of prices for a certain period, usually not less than six months; this is the reset of seasonal coefficients; these are bonus placements. We work with sites that Mobile Phone Number offer a 50% discount for every third placement. Importantly! All these bonuses are calculated not from the standard price, but from the already reduced price for us, as an advertising agency.

Formatting, alignment and referencing Different publications require different formats of submitting material for publication: someone needs html-markup, and someone categorically demands to remove it; one format, size of photos and text files is suitable for some, someone needs a completely different one.