This is followed by the phone’s interface appearing on the computer. Now, the devices are synchronized and you may operate as per the wish. To begin playing a game, simply open it on your Android phone and start enjoying it on the bigger screen. The gaming controls are synced with the attached mouse and keyboard of the computer. Besides the basic controls, MirrorGo can also execute a combination of moves when you handle with the keyboard mouse. After you are through with playing on MirrorGo, the data gets automatically saved in your smartphone; so you won’t have to start all over again.
Get Discount Signup Now On MirrorGo Transfer PC’s data to mobile Being interconnected allows for Belgium WhatsApp Number a flexible data transfer in between the devices., just drag and drop for copying any data from the computer into your device. The entire process is transparent and can be verified by clicking the Transfer button. After the movement has been completed, every file gets stored under the MirrorGo folder of your phone. A transfer of such nature can also support APK files, the ones which get installed automatically.

Reply to SMS and social media While you enjoy gaming on the MirrorGo app it won’t disturb the normal functionalities of the smartphone. It displays every element of the connected device and is capable of handling calls, SMS and replying on social media platforms. Use your computer to connect with these activities while replying with the keyboard. How to use MirrorGo? Wondershare MirrorGo Now that we are familiar with the numerous features of MirrorGo application, let’s connect it with your device.