You can probably buy women's shoes on Otto.de/schuh/damenschuh/. However, it's not so good if the URL is called Exampleshop.de/?productid=1234. Neither Google nor the user can assess what it is about - unless you actively visit the page. Advantages of speaking URLs You can immediately see what the URL is about (e.g. also in print advertisements). Users prefer to click on descriptive URLs rather than cryptic ones. If someone only links you with a URL, you will automatically have your keyword in the link text.
Speakable URLs make your site more visually and algorithmically relevant. Conversely, there is Special Data actually nothing wrong with speaking URLs, except “the content management system / the developer cannot implement it that way ”. In this case, find out exactly why this shouldn't work and don't be afraid to question the will or competence of your developers. Not very insightful, is it? Much better! By the way, John Müller actually answered this question yesterday - you can find the solution at the end of the article! #3 Short URLs URLs should be as short as possible.

So it's best not to write Exampleshop.de/hier-kannst-Du-ganz-tolle-luftmatratzen-kaufen but simply Exampleshop.de/luftmatratzen. Some plugins and extensions have the function of removing so-called “stop words” from the URL. Stop words are, for example , the, the, that, or, also, and . Unfortunately, for example, /don't-click-here/ becomes /click/ , which is why you should always adjust the URLs manually or at least use good automated rules.